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Project Payday and Night By You

Go Back and try again ...
Project Payday is only available in the US and Canada.

You will get that massage if you're not American or Canadian from Project Payday.They asking you to Go Back. So ,either you hit "back" button on your browser or you just Go back to US / Canada and try again!!

Isn't that easy to earning online nowadays?Yeah,sometime it damn easy[1],but most of the time" funny things happened".
Project Payday Scam and Night By You
What is that?
Project Payday is a place you completing online offers to get free stuff and earn money!Realistic Extra Income for the Average Joke is they slogan...i made mistake ,it should be Realistic Extra Income for the Average Joes[2].They are websites where people who are completing free offers will get paid.!You refer some "friends" to do the same.You earn money.

Bunch of affiliates promote it ,should you believe it,you should believe it,because you actually can earn real money from it when you become one of the tester of the program,but you also stand a change to lose money from it.Side note.this post is inspire by earning online blog money quote.

Before you started up,you should always ask yourself this question.Can you get started with NO out-of-pocket cost if possible?Where does the money come from?They must be some thing you should contribute in order to get paid .If you come across those doing nothing and earn money ,yes it's nothing but fast rich scam program.

Check out this squidoo lens before you join Project Payday,it's a great post.

"Although, I made a decent amount for my time spent, it does not reflect the frustrating pain and the tediousness of the whole Project Payday process. What the creators of Project Payday don't tell you is the struggles and the fears that you have while going through this process."

Note that the title of this lens is "8 Reasons Not to Join Project Payday"but at the end you will be lead to another program ,what recommend instead is a TRUSTe certified program[3] . When i click on the link (it's big link) ,it direct me to a "lovecalculator".I think it will defer from country to country,US may show up different site.I don't have anything to say about the redirected site ,What i concern is that they have a tiny test below the web page :

*This is a Wixawin service promoted by TMG B.V. | This is a subscription service which is ongoing bill until user quits.|

It mean you subscribe the service free at fist but it will keep billing you until you unsubsrite,the problem is we don't even aware those crap at the fist place.I didn't say it's scam,it's just xxxx....I don't know how to decried.

No matter what earn money program you join,always check what and where their income streams relies upon.The money could be from you.

Original Content By http://scamend.blogspot.com CopyRights Reserved


[1]Damn easy to earn money online : quote from those online money blogger.
[2]The meaning of average Joe: an ordinary person without anything exceptional about them.In US Average Joes refer to the average American
[3] TRUSTe certification means :those who possess this certificate are being regulated frequently by a third party so that they will protect your information and not share or sell it to other companies.

Deep Down Under The Web..

"Scammers not necessary to make you lose money but they might wasted your time. And don't forget,you time is money.Avoid hanging around from those who cheating you for money or programs that just waste your time" Anyway..Don't be too confident that you're never going to be scammed.. About this Scam Prevention Blog

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