Before permanently banned.We still have a chance to get your account reinstated. Try these simple process:
- Only If you don't do any invalid clicks. Appeal to Google. form to fill out to appeal . Be honest, truthful, and tell Google what happened. If you accidentally clicked, explain that. If a visitor clicked's what we call click boommed.It's nothing we can do.
- If you are still banned (or Google doesn’t respond in a week or so), appeal again. Be polite, professional, and honest. Google claims that a second appeal is futile, but if you can't live without Google adsense.Appeal again.
- Give the 3 solid tries before giving up on it. Even they said:we're not going to talk to you ,losses!Sent it again.If they reply is "NO RePLY".My advice to everyone is-Do not put yourselves at their mercy - find alternative advertisers..But again if you can't live without Google adsense.Appeal another time. say 1-2 year...
If they don't.Congratuation!If your account Reinstated,Congratuation!
But you don't know when it ('invalid clicks' Boomed)happened again.Just pray!