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Google AdSense referral program=Think Outside AdSense

Google AdSense referral program
- If you're in North America, Latin America, or Japan, the pricing structure for AdSense referrals is changing.

A referred user who reaches $100 within 180 days of signing up will generate earnings of $100 for the referring publisher.the $5 bonus will be removed at that time.

Previously when A referred user who reaches $5 within 180 days of sign-up, you would also earn $5.

- If you're outside of North America, Latin America, and Japan, AdSense referrals will be retired.

You earn nothing by promoting AdSense.Google has retiring referrals promoting AdSense. so stop promoting it if you are currently displaying a referral unit for AdSense on your website.

updated:January 08 Source:Inside AdSense: Upcoming referrals changes


According to unofficial statistic by Xwwweblog.blogspot.com (that's mine):

Most of new (and old) blogger making less then $10 a month with AdSense.Some even less then$1.00 per month.

  • If people only make $10 a month it will take them 10 months to reach $100.
  • if people only make $1 a month it will take them 100 months to reach $100.
  • NOT to mention they can get their account disable any minute even they earn $99.99 after spending 10 month to earn it.

They are just making peanuts

If you're in North America, Latin America, or Japan.While you promoting adsense to others. Give them some help in building the right attitude on how to making money from adsense..(I am not taking about selling crap secret).

It's possible to earn $100.If you/the blog you refer ranking top 10 in the keyword like "make money online" in serp.

you know what to do?

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