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What's your name?

Who is real? Is that email address represent your real address?Did you registered your real name?
How many name/ID and email address you have in the Internet?

Forget about scammers,sometime the ordinary people like you (and me) do need more then one ID( Personal Identity).

You need it when:
  • To download a report.
  • To register as a affiliater,publisher.
  • To claim a membership.
  • To received a news letter.
We heard this"Your privacy is respected and your information is NEVER shared with anyone."
Sometime,you just don't know why that letter (spam) still arrive to your mailbox and who did that.

The Opt-in Mailing List
Every marketer knows the key to online marketing is building a well targeted and responsive opt-in email list. The larger your subscriber base,the greater the results.

Building list can take years of hard work and effort. Fortunately that's what money can buy
and you can sell it to made money .

Buy and sell your personal information online (more then just your email address)
"Americans are clearly concerned with how their personal information is being collected and used by Internet companies," said Joel Kelsey, analyst with Consumers Union. "The vast majority of consumers need more control over their personal information online and ask for the ability to stop Internet companies from tracking and profiling them."

The overwhelming majority (93%) of people think Internet companies should always ask permission before using personal information and 72 percent request the right to opt out when companies track their online behavior.

The poll shows that people are taking steps to limit the information that is being compiled and shared about them online. Thirty-five percent use alternate email addresses to avoid providing real information; 26 percent use software that conceals their identity; and 25 percent have provided bogus information to access a Web site.

People are aware that information about their surfing habits is being collected online, but many do not know what companies do with their information.
  • The majority (61%) believe what they do online is private and not shared without their permission.
  • Over half (57%) falsely believe that companies are required to identify themselves and indicate why they are collecting data.
  • Under half (48%) incorrectly believe their consent is required for companies to use personal information they collect from online activities .
  • 43 percent wrongly believe a court order is needed to monitor activities online.

"Many consumers have misconceptions about the information available about them and how commonly it is sold by companies without their knowledge," said Kelsey. "Our poll makes clear that consumers demanding more control over the treasure trove of information companies are collecting about their activities online."

So, don't be surprise when John become Jacky and Bush become Anonymous.


Top 10 disposable mailbox
 Selling leads will never work like it used to.

Deep Down Under The Web..

"Scammers not necessary to make you lose money but they might wasted your time. And don't forget,you time is money.Avoid hanging around from those who cheating you for money or programs that just waste your time" Anyway..Don't be too confident that you're never going to be scammed.. About this Scam Prevention Blog

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